I’m a night person—so I often miss the early mornings, but at 6:00 AM I had to drive my daughter and her husband to the airport. It was dark and crisp as we left for the airport, and as I drove I noted that there was a definitive feeling of newness about the day. After dropping them off, I turned homeward, and the dark began to lighten. The sunrise was spectacular from the east and there was a feeling of a fresh start. As I drove, appreciating the beautiful coloration in the sky, I was reminded of a saying by Tagore that “Faith is the bird who sings in the dark, knowing the dawn will come.”
This is the message in winter, and the new dawn of each morning. The promise is there for us—everything is waiting in potential, and it’s up to us to seize the opportunities, to make something beautiful of each precious gift this life provides. The bird sings in the dark. It does not wait for the light—it welcomes it in song. There is no doubt or inhibition in the bird. It does what it was created to do.
How sweet the sound of our harmonious endeavors and efforts to bring out the best of ourselves without fear or hesitation. How pleasing that must be to our Creator.
There are so many metaphors we are shown in symbolism related to what life is and what opportunities are, yet we often ignore them or think them quaint sayings from the past, rather than taking them to heart and acting on what they point us toward now.
On this day, in this moment, I find my voice and greet the day without hesitation—this glorious gift of creation!