Recently, I have heard the same statement about why we are here from two different sources. It got my attention and I determined it was important to explore and share. We are spirits coming into a material experience to become consciously conscious of being conscious.
We act upon life and life experiences affect us. We can go through the process on automatic pilot, reacting to events and perceived hurts and joys, or we can become an observer observing ourselves. And when we go beyond observing ourselves to observe ourselves FROM a place of consciousness, and reacting IN that state of consciousness, we are unified. We have come to a fullness of the inner and outer selves, reflecting the same light and truth rather than being a “house divided,” driven by emotions or desires.
The seemingly separate parts no longer need feel separate. It is at home within the cradle of consciousness—at one with Itself. From this space of emptiness or fullness, depending on how we want to describe it, nothing is lacking. We have and are everything we need. There is no longer a necessity to protect our individualized view or to be better/worse than anyone else because we see ourselves as extensions of the same consciousness.
When we flow within that field, we attract situations that affirm unity—no matter what they look like on the surface. When we are out of that state, which we might even call a state of Grace, we are at odds with whatever comes our way. Duality breeds suffering, and all spiritual texts are given to help us unravel the mystery by giving us clues as to the purpose of the journey. This is a journey without distance because it is an inside job. However, we may have to go through a lifetime of experience before we recognize the gifts given along the way to bring us closer to consciously being conscious.
Being consciously conscious doesn’t mean that life events stop happening—it means that we are not BOUND by them. Bondage comes through attachment—and once we realize that everything we experience is purposeful in the sense of furthering our soul growth, we can let go of expectations, anger, and self-righteousness or hurt. We are no longer tethered by limiting or inflated thinking—we flow into the unified field and are conscious of being conscious. The trick to this is recognizing that we are indeed spiritual beings having a material physical experience.
When we recognize the eternal nature of spirit, we are no longer afraid of an ending because there is none. We flow within the river of Consciousness, realizing it is from where we came and to which we return—not by death alone, but by intention.
When we consciously choose to tune in, we are Home. It is not a physical location—not a distant exotic place—it is within our Being and requires the marriage of head and heart in ultimate union.
As each one of us becomes consciously conscious of being conscious, the world takes on a different appearance. We indeed become co-creators in this adventure called life, and we can in deed all create a garden of splendor—a Heaven on Earth. It’s all a matter of choice and remembrance.
We will have times when we are truth, be it ever so fleeting. And then we will forget and fall away. But Home is everywhere present. It is just a heartbeat in distance—waiting on welcome to pull us to itself/ourselves once again.
In this New Year—let’s do those things that help us achieve conscious awareness. Let’s take the steps needed to move towards wholeness and holiness. Just imagine what a blessing we can be!