One day when I was at my acupuncture appointment, looking up at a ceiling filled with beautiful pictures of nature, it dawned on me as I thought of the beauty of nature, that human beings and nature are actually the same.
Nature is splendid and full or harmony, but so are humans. And just like humans, nature is also full of devastation and terror. The human being can be a work of art in physical form and in terms of action – just as nature is; yet we also see the results of emotional outbursts, greed, lust, and avarice.
Nature has her own set of outbursts…fire, wind, water, and earthquakes. The storms hit. Things are destroyed. Nature restores itself and new growth appears. We have outbursts, we can destroy things, yet time heals, and our lives can be rebuilt.
What this meant to me as I perceived this sameness was that there is no separation between us and nature. I’ve always thought of nature as a glorious example of Creator’s intent, and put us in another category. Yet, it is ALL one creation.
There is no separation between nature, animals, us except in our perception…we are all bound by the same potential and challenges. We experience similar possibilities for good and bad, life and death, and are part of the same cycle, only having varying timelines for life and death based on our level of longevity.
If we were able to reconcile our connection to the rest of life, we might be able to interact differently with it, and then the possibilities for greater harmony and mutually beneficial interaction could bring about opportunities that might astound us.
In the end, no matter how hard we try, we are all part of earth, and subject to her laws. We are one system, and one world. We are one people, one life force, on one planet..
One day, we may indeed see the blessing in diversity, and then we may gather together in celebration rather than derision. We may embrace our differences, rather than demean them. And we may one day gather to re-create the Garden, from which we all sprang...returning as we are intended to become One.