Don't know if any of you have noticed how intense this time period is. Regardless of what is happening in our personal lives, there is a level of tension that underlies action. In the populated areas it is more pronounced, because the stress level is also fed by news of the latest fear scenarios. In our personal lives, we may be feeling things in a more pronounced way, making mountains out of mole hills, or taking things to extreme. Even our joy might be magnified.
It is in these times that the ability to find our center is important. Through the bombardment of whatever, reaching a space that is not determined by the outer world or our emotional state of being is essential. When we feel ourselves moving out on the edge of potential despair, crisis, fear...whatever pulls us...we have to make a conscious leap back into the center. And the trick is how to do that.
First of all, if the crisis is an emotional reaction to whatever we are confronted with, we may not have much choice but to engage in the immediate response. The key is to remember that behind that reaction is a space of tranquility. So as we express our feelings in the moment, we are equally aware that it is not the whole truth, nor the real space that we choose to occupy. If we were to liken this to a tree, the center of the tree would be the place to which we return. The emotional reaction would be us on a branch, out on a limb. We have climbed there in the moment, but will go back to the trunk, which is the solid, stable part that upholds everything else.
So we can do this when we are confronted by fear, with momentary bad news, disappointment, tragedy - with all of the things that tend to make us feel alienated, confused or at a loss. Just as we are told that a major disaster is imminent, we can see the effects of our own internal and external storms in life. There are periods that are more stressful than others, just as there are times of more grace than others.
The key is to recognize all appearances in life that cause extremes as "weather." Our true nature is the residing aspect found in the quiet centered place of our being. It is our task to be mindful, to be conscious (even in our "unconscious" moments), and to find our way back to that space that provides nourishment and poise...our true home.
Whether through meditation, prayer or affirmation, we are required to take action to return to the center. It does not happen automatically until we reach a level of detachment whereby we are consciously aware and practicing serenity even in the midst of chaos all around us. But, before we reach that stage, we have to find our way back again and again. To do so is to develop a strong spiritual muscle that will uphold us in the times to come!