In a class the other evening, one of the participants commented that after she read the dreary deadlines and predictions of the day and for the future (invasions of Iran, etc), she always came to the Seasons of the Soul site to see something inspiring. And as I considered her comments, it was further evidence to me of the necessity for each of us to recognize that what we are viewing in the collective on television, tablets, phones, movies, Internet, radio, magazines, and newspapers is a compilation of our collective consciousness.
As we abdicate our responsibility – ability to respond – to contribute to the uplifting of consciousness through our choices and our voices, we are allowing the lowest common denominator to prevail. Unfortunately, there is a lot of adrenalin that is manufactured by fear-based messages. There is something within the human being that feeds off that energy, and in return the fear based energy feeds off of the feeders. It becomes a vicious cycle that spirals out of control, and before we know it, we have a world in chaos and at war. We have distrust, mishandling of communication, and all the other unintended results of giving in to the lowest impulses of our nature.
It takes discernment and discipline to rise above chaos. It takes a self-organizing attitude that recognizes that we are walking through a minefield of information. Actually it is a mind field. And that mind field is going to pluck from us what we put our attention to. What does that mean?
Whatever we focus on magnifies. We feed thoughts of fear or faith, depending on what we are tuning in to. What channel is predominant in our lives? Are we titillated by disturbing news? Are we disempowered by stories that seem so overwhelming that we become insignificant? Do we feel helpless in the face of insurmountable odds presented to us daily by the news media? And furthermore, does a sense of futility help us to discharge any sense of obligation because what we see is way too much for us to handle?
If we do a little self-examination, we may find that taking the easier path of falling in to the soap opera mentality of the nation releases us from a burden to take action. After all, what can one person do? And yet, if we truly understood that the very message that we feel disempowered by is being empowered by our lack of action, we would realize that we do indeed create and are responsible for our reality. And the reality we create affects not only us, but everyone else. When the overwhelming thought process is focused on disease, war, dishonesty, attack, and all the other soul demeaning events, this is a contribution to that consciousness. If each of us said “NO!” to those forms of materialization and turned only to what is uplifting, restoring, hopeful, and life giving – THAT would become the predominant force and consciousness that would emerge.
We are not victims of some outside plot. We are victims of our own creation – and just as we have fallen into a trap of complicity, we can climb up and out of that state by changing the channel – by focusing on what CAN be done to make the world and our lives a better place, and then vocalizing it, acting upon it, and shifting the frequency from helplessness to helpfulness. We are the creators of our reality, and if we don’t like what we see, we have the power to make change. Every small step leads us to a destination. As we bring our intentions into focus and band together as a force for the good, the larger pool of consciousness adjusts to reflect the overriding and predominant view.
The task may seem daunting, but it is not. We know the power of what one person can do for good or ill. We know what was accomplished by the example of a Gandhi and a Mother Teresa. We also know what happens when no one stops a Hitler or the fanatics in Rwanda. Our thoughts and actions support and uplift the good, or allow the fall of humanity into the grips of despair. It is that simple and that hard. It requires an adjustment in the lens with which we focus. But by doing so, we can contribute in small or large ways to the creation of a world we want to see.