It’s nearing mid Spring, and in California we see the beginning of summer. We’ve watched the buds come into flower and the seeds we’ve planted growing into what they will become. In the next season, we’ll be able to harvest some of the results of our labor.
In Winter, it’s seasonally a time for shutting down and going within—it’s the province of internal review and inward vision. Depression is associated with winter, and there are benefits to allowing ourselves to go into the heart of our angst during that season. But Spring is a season of renewal.
It’s a time for us to find reasons for optimism and to bring the fragrance of our journey forward. That might involve clearing out things that have gotten in our way. Using our insights from Winter, we have an opportunity to do spring cleaning—externally as well as internally. Time to plant and nourish new seeds and watch them develop. The focus is on ways of allowing the inner sunshine to warm our hearts and minds—making space for illumination to dawn and find welcome.
Nature is a wonderful reminder of how beneficial each season is—and how the gifts of one season reflect and contribute to the success of the next. Nothing is wasted. Nothing is out of order.
Nature has an impeccable scheduling for bringing balance into what would otherwise be a chaotic world. Even during times of “unseasonable” events, nature always re-calibrates and comes back to order. We have the same internal mechanism to bring us back to a balanced state if we will work with ourselves from core level.
Spirit/soul/body are integrally linked, and when we leave one aspect out of the quotient, we lose connection to the natural order—the harmonizing factors that bring us through the journey matured and intact. The phases we experience are natural adjuncts to our development through the seasons. As humans, our cycles may vary somewhat from the seasonal ordering within nature. But we are subject to the same laws of birth, growth, and decay.
Finding clues within this season and harmonizing our own energy to it can aid us in developing a rhythm and communion. We are not fighting externals—we are flowing with them.
Spring is a time of liberation. We have an opportunity to free our spirits to soar in new ways. Enthusiasm can be re-instilled as we view life re-emerging all around us. What seemed dead is not. It was only waiting for the right time to emerge. So, us.
What hopes, dreams, and aspirations have we been incubating during the winter months? What seeds are calling out for nourishment in order to bring themselves into full bloom and productivity? And what unexpected glimmerings arise unbidden that catch us by surprise?
Spring is a freeing time. We can leap forward, even if only in our minds. It’s time!