A question was asked during a discussion about the validity of reading books to find abundance, and there was an answer given that stated that we just have to know that abundance is ours. Reading or stating affirmations merely signifies our separation from wealth or wellbeing. Yet, as I see it, what helps one person is not always helpful to another. We are all quite unique. Who knows what words will trip a switch within us that brings us closer to remembrance of who we truly are and what life is really for and about?
However, when we "try" too hard, we lose the possibility that is given us. Trying is an activity born of separation. In a search for reunion, the action often needs to be subtle and internal. External striving becomes busyness. It is object and results oriented. True inner grace and recognition of purpose/possibility is more often a quiet response born of reflection. Reflection does not occur through trying. It occurs by being still and sitting next to the pool of inner wisdom that is at the core of every one of us. It is part of that still small voice we hear of so often, but which is hard to hear when we are busy devouring all the "How To" books that we accumulate in search of wisdom.
Wisdom does not come from outside. It is an inside job. And that means making friends with who is in there, and overcoming our fears of inadequacy or lack that lead us to judge ourselves and everyone else harshly. We can read all the books in the world, but if we don't believe in who we are as valuable, we will never receive the bountiful harvest that life has waiting for us. Each of us has an incredible inheritance, but most of us have forgotten where to go to claim it. And many of us don't believe we are worthy to ask in the first place.
We are ALL worthy!