We live in an environment of duality in order to recognize the variations of a theme. Earth, being a school of contrast, is neither bad nor good, but rather a learning environment in which we have opportunities to challenge ourselves, our level of understanding, and to refine our character
We see things that appear to be against life and against the good of all because we are each in different places within our lives....and that term is used advisedly...it is just that. We come to this realm much as the movie Groundhog Day demonstrates. Again and again we get to see the effect of our actions. We get to refine areas of misunderstanding by dealing with issues that call upon us to take another tack...another direction. We are tested periodically in life to see if we are paying attention and to recognize the level of our achievement in recognition of ourselves as part of a unified whole instead of distinct and disenfranchised parts. The illusion of separation fuels acts of alienation or self-protectiveness, when in reality there is nothing to defend and nothing to protect because it is all an arena of contrasting experiences that help us to define who we really are.
If we look at nature as a wise teacher, we see that there are seasons as a natural part of life. Each has distinct markers and lasts for a particular period of time. Just as we have the promise of new life in spring, we have the completion of it in autumn and a time of seeming emptiness in winter. Yet, within each season lay the seeds of contrast that bring about the continuing journey to the next. Nature does not shrink from itself....it expands and retracts and always opts for new life as seasons change, and provides the nourishment that once again activates the urge to life.
When humans separate themselves from the cycles of nature and the interlinking that nature provides in land management, pest control, and species control, they stray further from the great teaching that is at hand right before them. Humans seemingly come into this realm with a veil over their eyes...removing a greater truth that is in plain sight, but is missed because it is so obvious.
We see the need in humans who have lost the connection to unity to create pockets of specialness in order to bolster their sense of entitlement or worthiness. In this separate space, tribalism, religious intolerance, gender bias, and dominion over everything deemed inferior takes place. It is a result of a fear based mentality that believes in scarcity, and that there is something to protect and something to defend when in actuality, the very act of defending and protecting creates separation between oneself and the greater Self of all.
Where does the air stop? Where does the earth stop? It is a circular living being with atmosphere and soil...earth and sky...water and land. Yet, all of earth must work together in harmony for continuity of life and for the health of itself and its inhabitants. All species save for humans work within this system of reciprocal usage and respect. However, humans seem to be a species that was seeded by some alien culture that saw something on the planet to exploit. Even if that is so...that we were the creation of genetic engineers from a different planetary system that sought to find ways of mining this rich planet, it doesn't matter. From a soul perspective, we are here to refine our nature. We are here to become what is held in potential for each of us once we remove the veil and look with respect and appreciation for everything that is provided and all that is given. We don't have to pay for air. It is given freely. Water has also been provided, as has food. These are the absolute necessities for life, and they are given to us without regard to who we are or what we have done. Yet, as exploiters, those who take impose their will on those who don't. And this cycle of taking without replenishing goes on until a time of crisis is reached when the alarm bells go off and human beings are forced to note that doing things the same old way does not work. A day of reckoning is at hand. Hence, Groundhog Day.
Moving up the scale of vibrational frequency, we ascend from fear and survival to gradual interlinking with others who hold our same view, to those who may have different views, to accepting differences, to finding commonality with those who heretofore we have not understand, to opening our invitation to understanding, to include animals, plants, trees, soil, water, all of life as a communal cup. We are all part of this vessel and our interdependence becomes clouded as we stray further from the concept of live and let live.
When we have defiled to the point of accelerated collapse, we see that we cannot do it alone or the way we want that infringes on the rights of others...including our earth. And then, in crisis, a new reality is possible. We shift frequency and move up the scale to the heart where compassion and love bring the mixture of heaven and earth to fruition. It is here in the heart that we can distill and blend our recognition of being heavenly AND earthly bodies. We merge/marry heaven and earth, and our sense of duality recedes as we stop warring against something external and embrace it instead.
When we no longer look at better/worse, good/bad, righteous/sinful, man/woman, gay/straight, and all the other separating images we feed, then there is an unbelievable movement. We drop out of the line mentality and move into the circle within circles that holds hands with one another and all our fellow life forms. Seeing this, we are relieved of the burden of ownership and recognize ourselves as participants in a beautiful exploration that can be filled with joy, delight, humor, laughter, appreciation and gratitude. We feel the richness of giving rather than taking. We observe the effects of compassion and the waves of delight that we bring with our good-hearted deeds and dissolving of differences.
This is the holy moment that is possible. And this is what earth is about. It is our arena of contrasts wherein a time will come when we move energetically into the crown of our being, having explored and experimented with all the lower vibrations. As a result, our tone will be full and vibrant, and when we combine our tone with those of all our fellow inhabitants on and throughout the planet, a symphony will emerge that uplifts us all into what we were originally intended - a Holy Family of Love.