I am a person who looks for synchronicity in life, and have been well rewarded for the willingness to be aware of what is presented on multiple levels. A dear friend called after I had the realization of everything just mentioned, and she was overwhelmed by physical ailments and the loss of her 101 year old aunt. She and her sister had just dealt with several deaths in the family, and the stress level of always being the care givers to everyone was taking its toll on her. She'd been told by her doctor to stay off her feet and not do anything for at least a month, and here she was being pulled to give a eulogy and help a family in grief. As a result, her own health was impacted and at risk. So I told her about the statement I received the previous week and that this is indeed a time of revelation. We see it not only in the world at large and with the corruption and scandals facing major business and political figures, but in our own lives.
That which has been corrupted within us or which is misperceived or misguided is going through a catharsis. As one of our healer friends said years ago, nothing can enter when the cup is filled with junk from the past. If we are all vessels of light - the carriers of God's Being - then we have to continually replenish and refresh the chalice we are. We cannot allow the old addictions, judgments, attachments, and junk to clutter our present view. Cleaning out the old is a necessity to keep us relevant and ready to take on new possibilities.
I had taken all our 5 gallon water jugs that we keep for emergency and emptied the contents onto the flower and vegetable beds, refilling them with fresh water and dating them so that we would know when it was time to clean and refill them again. If we had just let them stand, when we need them in the future, the water might not be good. By emptying and refilling, we make sure when something is needed, it is usable.
All around us there are reminders of how life works. Just in the concept of refilling emergency bottles of water, the implication refers to us as well. By the time my phone conversation with my friend was finished, she felt she had gained a much better understanding of what she was facing now and how she needed to go about dealing with it all. Again, I was taking things that had been my own observations related to my daughter's life and mine, and was able to share with my friend in a way that was totally what she needed. Now she will do the same for someone else. Light shining light shining light. On and on it goes when we awaken to its inner presence. And conversely, in this paradoxical universe, the opposite happens as well. When those steeped in darkness spew out their hatred, it goes on and on touching resonant chords in those who are equally isolated from the beauty of life's fullness of Being.