Years ago, there was a book written called Love Is Letting Go of Fear. The premise is sound. When we are locked in fear, there is no room for love. Love trusts. Love is all the things mentioned in the bible, and fear is its antithesis. When we are afraid, we have lost connection to our Source. We are in a state of war with life, wanting to control elements, wanting to possess and make things be a particular way. We are frozen, scared, and dangerous. Fear is not love. Fear of losing is not love. Fear of being rejected is not love. Love opens itself and is vast in comprehension, breadth and depth. Fear is constricted and isolated. It is alone, petrified, and alienated. When we move into Love, the world expands and we feel ourselves expanding with it. We become at one with it and there is a wellspring of joy and well-being in our hearts and minds that fill us with gratitude and appreciation for all that is. Fear does just the opposite. It is totally isolated, and the world contracts and is confined to a small box. It causes panic, depression, attack, psychic breaks, and all things that drown us in its whirlpool of annihilation.
Fear is like a non-swimmer thrashing in the water, trying desperately not to drown. Love is when we stop striving, roll over on our back, and float, allowing the water to uphold us and gently bob us along. So, in all things, we have to ask ourselves, "Am I living in love or fear?" When the answer is the latter, we need to move up the ladder to come back to our true resource and Home - Love.