Human beings are one of the few species on the planet that have been born without conscious connection to their Source. It is as though Creator set out a grand design for itself to find Itself within a state of forgetfulness, returning after expending a hero’s journey in which there would be tests and diversions to tempt a lesser part of its nature to participate in things and ways of behavior that would go against the greater good.
This is likened to the allegory of Job, where a test was devised to see if he would retain his sense of connection to God even though all the good that he enjoyed was stripped from him. His faithfulness to his Creator regardless of circumstance proved an allegiance that would not falter even when major challenges were faced. This is part of the journey of the human once human recognizes its connection to its Source. The first task however is to remember that connection, and here we see the story of Pinocchio, the little wooden puppet crafted lovingly by the woodworker, Gipeto. Pinocchio was given all the curiosity and ability to move about without actual puppeteer strings, and in this he was given free will choice. However, because he was raw and naïve, he was tempted by the allure of things that appealed to the senses even though he had been provided with a conscience…the still small voice within that seeks to guide us, represented in the story by Jiminy Cricket. Only when Pinocchio was trapped by his senses did he see the error of his ways. He had to grow into himself by finding his true Self through adversity and through the temptations that are spoken of by Jesus and by Buddha and other religious teachers as well.
So, as a human being, you are like silver…easily corruptible, and you must retain your shining glow through polishing the lens of inquiry again and again until such time as you are able to turn what is also called lead into gold. You are leaden until you realize the truth of what you are. You are the caterpillar who devours life until you move into the chrysalis of transformation and become the butterfly whose function is to contribute TO life rather than taking FROM life.
The journey of the soul is therefore a noble endeavor. Like knights of old who were given a task and assignment to carry out, if one tried to follow in the footsteps of another, there were dire consequences. As much as humans want to follow a prescribed map that has been cut out for them, the journey is of finding one’s own path and wading through the underbrush. As a soul matures through experience, the light dawns within and the temptations become less alluring.
In some cases, you learn not to lie by lying, not to steal by stealing, not to kill by killing, not to judge by judging, and through all that you have experienced by the act of going against what is true, you come to understand the consequences and effect of your actions that hurt or disrupt others or life in general. Through understanding by experiencing, you grow and learn. Others may be able to take the lessons through observation and not have to go through the deeper trials, but for each soul, the course is set…finding the True Self in a world of choices. When the journey is truly understood, it can become a grand adventure. Until then, a soul may live in delusions of grandeur or the pits of hell….neither being true.
So in an advisory position, the suggestion is given to open yourselves to the indwelling guidance system that seeks to bring unification into your lives and the lives of all things you touch. Seek you each the spiritual connection that is your birthright, recognize and differentiate the true from the false, open your hearts to giving and receiving, and all else will be added unto you as is appropriate for your journey.