What keeps us from connecting to the truth of our Selves is the attachment to the scripts of our lives. If we come as little children, the idea becomes that we are no longer mired by history, prejudice, or doubt. Within the historical context we begin to link our perceived failures or success. We build our future on the past and this is not a life giving foundation for we are using the time line as our guide rather than moving into the continuum where we can dip into present moment and create unscathed by what has gone before.
In an accident situation, the memory of not being safe in your car causes you to drive differently as a result. You no longer get into your vehicle with a feeling of oneness and safety. You become fearful or defensive and apprehensive because you take the memory of the accident with you and create your present reality on a past event. Only as the memory fades do you once again drive in the moment. This applies to all life events. If you are rejected, you create your life based on a rejection. If you have a moment of great luck through a fortuitous investment, you may delude yourself into the belief that you are infallible and create from that space. Each creative moment is new unto itself. If you can remain open only to the moment and allow yourself to bypass your script and your history, current events may prove to be more valuable as clues to possibilities.
When a clue or opportunity is presented and you immediately dip into your field of experience or expectation, you may short circuit or over-inflate yourself, depending on the tendency you have in reaction. Yet, by living this way, you are chained to the singular life view that is filtered through the field of experience you have had as a singular being.
When you move into the greater part of you - the Self that is connected to all of life and has the capacity for breadth and depth of vision and comprehension, you open yourself to a multi-dimensional view, no longer bound by your historical context. This is the reason for being advised to enter the kingdom as little children. They have not been polluted or jaded yet. They float in the realm of possibility, and to remain open and childlike in this way is to open yourself to incredible possibilities that are not bound by “Yes, but”, “I can’t do that”, “who do you think you are?” and all the other self-identified statements that limit your true nature - the abiding spirit of God expressing through you!
So this identification with limitation becomes the false God – the false Idol that is worshipped because you feed it daily. You identify with the experiences of your life and state that those experiences ARE your life when they are merely experiences within a life. You become inflated or depressed through that identity, and like fleas who are trained with the lid on their jar or the little elephant tethered by an anklet to the tree, you lose the identification with what your true capacity is in favor of conditioning. Indeed you can jump out of the jar. Indeed you can uproot a tree with your innate strength. But, conditioning is a subtle tool of domination in order to control reaction, and although it may serve in the short run to define boundaries and limits, there needs to be a daily renegotiation with life from a fresh perspective uncontaminated by the past.
Each day a new beginning. Each day a testing of the lid or the strength to be free. Each day an identification with the Self who abides within and oversees all, is connected to all, and lives within the realm of possibility.