I was brought face to face with an article this morning by a woman who is incorporating the Feminine into her business model. It was the closest thing to truth regarding the Feminine and its function that I’ve seen anywhere, and it again instilled in me the “knowing” I had in the 80s that women were taking a wrong turn with Women’s Liberation. Yet, in showing their ability to play in the man’s world, they have come to garner respect for their capacities. Now, however, this way of being in the world is a defilement of the true intention of the Feminine Principal, and it is up to all of us – male and female alike, to bring back the compassionate creative influence that creates balance in life. We do not usurp the masculine, we enhance it, and the Feminine principal, so long shunted away by the Patriarchy, must come into bloom throughout the world to reseed life and fecundity on the planet. Everything we are dealing with now in extreme is a result of this overt imbalance, and it is time to rectify the damage it has done and to see all nature…all life…being honored once again.
So in the spirit of the Feminine Principal, I asked Guidance for insights related to this time and its purpose. The following is what I received related to our ability to accept realities that may not match our own.
"We are neither feminine nor masculine, we are consciousness, and consciousness is undivided. In the physical form, where you are each in separate appearing vehicles, you also have the combination of left/right, up/down, male/female, and other polarity positions from which you live and make your choices. The Feminine principal is a defining term designating the qualities of Compassion, Inclusion, Nourishment, and these go along with the role that woman plays in childbirth…the care giving to the offspring that opens a larger portion of consciousness within. In the world of appearances, the male has been the designated hitter…going forth and doing the work that brings home the sustenance for the family. He is the provider, and in recent years, females have been taking on this role as well. So, the dividing line has been eradicated between roles and duties of each. There is nothing wrong with this, for it has brought into conscious awareness that women were as qualified and capable as men, and that men could be as compassionate and caring as women. Therefore, it has been the precursor to integrated principals so that there is no standoff between the male/female, but a harmonizing and blending of what has never been separate in full consciousness.
You are seeing blending of many different qualities now as the gay population becomes more visible. Sexuality and affinity is not relegated to a straight line or straight across exchange. Chemistry and affinity is more complex than that, and the sexual preference of one may be different than that of another. Yet, if all is given respect for its expression, perversion does not enter. Your idea of perversion is based on an image that men should be attracted to women, that males do certain things and females do other things, and on and on. Children should be this way or that, and yet none of it is based on truth. It is all subjective and based on the mores and consciousness of the populace at a particular point in time. If you look at the view of male/female in Arab countries that follow a strict religious view, you note that females have no rights and are considered chattel. That is a far cry from the value system of the western world, and yet both are operating at the same time in different parts of the world. There are groups that believe in multiple wives for one man – a holdover from ancient times – and this seems perfectly logical to that group, while it is abhorrent to another segment of the population. The list goes on and on.
So we say to you, whenever you see the split of consciousness into this group or that group, recognize it as a fragmented view. Either/or, neither/nor….life is much richer and more complex than these stereotyped renderings that are bandied about as though each is gospel and the truth. We say to you, find wholeness within yourselves. Heal the opposites that clamor for dominion in your psyches that go on to express the same frenzy in the outer world. See yourselves as whole and holy, and BE that in all interactions with life. Live your life to the best of all you have been given and can share, and let your neighbor be who he/she is, blessing them and accepting the graciousness of multiple views/multiple ways of being that do not have to threaten one another, but portray the splendor of creation in its many and varied facets. Life is not static, not one way, and not an agent of condemnation. It is a vast and splendid experiential action that can delight and uplift when expressed to the fullest as it was intended. Be part of the symphony by lending your unique gifts to the mix rather than demanding that all other instruments be exactly the same. This is indeed God’s show, and you are the gods in expression!"