There is a River,
The Streams of Which
Shall Make Glad
The City of God.
There is a River flowing constantly from God.
It is eternal. It flows to each of us.
We can see this River if we first are aware
Of the part of that River that is within ourselves.
When we become aware of our own strength,
Then that River flows both into us and out of us.
We can become aware of this River
When we fall in love, hear beautiful music,
Talk joyfully with friends, enjoy the beauty of nature,
Hear children laughing,
And a thousand other ways.
It is a River of healing, strength, help, solace and love.
It manifests as a sphere of light surrounding the body.
God is in the midst of us.
That is, there is real power within ourselves.
We spend our lives seeking power from others:
From preachers, from gifted friends.
That is fine; but it is futile unless we recognize
That the real power comes from within, not from others.
May you become aware of this River of Life.
There is nothing here that you did not already know.
On a deep level,you received it, acknowledged it,
And re-affirmed
The full strength, protection and healing power
That is already within you.
Stanley Peele