(continuation of article on Negativity)
How is this done?
Through the heart. The heart has a mind of its own, and that still, small voice that can be heard when the mind in the head quiets, will direct the personality to ways and means of accessing greatness. This requires that the head bow to the heart. In many renderings of great teachers, saints, and lords, the hand points to the heart…for it is only through the heart that true understanding can be gained. And within the heart is found the seed of compassion. Without compassion, there can be no change, for error and criticism will reign supreme until a loving response is ignited to alter the current of events.
Current is an energetic flow. Negative responses set up a tone that is low in frequency and set up a resonance within the body corresponding to certain chords upon which diseases feed. When we speak of following a higher calling, we refer to a frequency in which dis-ease cannot live. And the opportunity for those who hear and respond to the higher calling, which only comes when the heart and mind are attuned in proper relationship to one another, is to travel on a frequency that harmonizes the body, setting and maintaining a tone that balances equilibrium. This requires daily bread…daily attention…daily focus. This requires willingness to bow to the heart and to listen. One cannot do that when they are running in the world with all ears and eyes focused on messages of the world that trivialize the spirit.
You cannot fill your body and mind with junk and expect to have a result that is anything other than junk. It won’t happen. The law of correspondence works immutably, and quality of what goes in equals quality of performance and quality of results. It is that simple. Junk in, junk out. Quality in, quality out.
But each step requires an attitude of vigilance, because the critical nature is hard to quell. It has been instilled in the impressionable years when the entering soul is wide open to all stimuli in its environment. The receptors are 100% open…learning and taking in everything as gospel. It isn’t until seven years of age that a child begins to form critical thinking and begins to identify the possibility of fraud. Until that time, they are soaking up everything that is being directed towards them as truth.
So, deep subconscious patterns die hard. An individual seeking to change their mind set may even feel that they are being disloyal to something that is a deep bond within them to their family. It is not a rational feeling, but it comes from the level of comfort within the original framework. In other words, when we are making a shift from the old to the new, we have to tear down the old framework. You cannot have a new house unless you are willing to tear down the crumbling shell of the old. It will continuously hamper you. If something has become rotten, it must be replaced. To put new wood next to rotting wood will invite contamination. So the old must be replaced. And understanding this gives an idea of what being born again means.
We cannot go into our new lives taking all the tapes of our old life with us. We have to create a new internal structure and housing that will allow for new messages to permeate our core. We must remove the defenses that keep us from our own greatness, and this requires willingness to become vulnerable.
Vulnerability is one of the greatest strengths, because it disarms the critic. When an enemy attacks us, it is waiting for a counter-attack. When instead we agree with the criticism in principle, and are able to state our recognition of what has been stated without need to counter attack or defend ourselves, we have disarmed all hostility, for there is nothing over which to war. We have also allowed ourselves to be open to receiving information that may help us look at something differently.
(to be continued)