Religion is the outcome of understanding of the Divine, and as such, it is viewed from multiple vantage points related to customs, origin of birth, and circumstance. The Divine Creation is beyond any one viewpoint, for its Nature is unfathomable in total by any mind. However, aspects of Its nature can be expressed by Its creation, and as such, each will find their way according to their understanding and their needs.
Religion is part of a multiplicity of views that seek to define the Divine Creation, and can be likened to a branch on the tree of life. Each branch has a purpose in the expression of the tree, but no one branch is the tree itself. Therefore, when any religion, philosophy, or scientific view claims to have the whole picture, it is self-deceived. No branch holds the whole within itself. It is merely an expression of the whole, and as such, is limited in its capacity and function to express understanding from its vantage point.
When any particularized view claims to be the ONLY correct view, it is based on the small sense of self, isolated from all other aspects of creation that have within themselves a Divine connection to creation that is equal, yet different, to the one claiming to be the only correct view. The narrow definition of Creator is an indication of a narrow understanding of the complexity of the Divine, and in a sense it seeks to usurp the Divine to legitimize its claim to superiority over others that hold differing views.
The impulse of tribal and animal instinct is to create hierarchy, and in the natural world of predators, this makes sense to a point. In order to regulate a system, strength of leadership is necessary to focus the group towards specific goals and objectives. It follows the self-organizing principles that provide stability and position so that the system functions harmoniously rather than in a haphazard fashion. It brings order out of chaos. However, within this hierarchy, each position must have value, and when it becomes lopsided and places the one leading in a position of exaltation, it is out of harmony with natural order. Yet, we see this happen again and again in societies, as leaders become the “special” ones and the support system becomes the lesser.
This model is based on domination rather than stewardship, and is the cause of wars, discontent, and the breakdown of integrated whole societies. It always pits one group or individual against another, creating a system of winners and losers, or the haves and have-nots. It breeds inequality and discontent, and reflects a level of consciousness that is based on survival of the fittest.
When religions, who have taken on the role of providing the moral compass, become entrenched in the same mentality, the results are the pitting of one religion against the other for the same implied survival of the fittest. It is based on a lower level of consciousness and does not serve to bring about the uplifting and unity of intention that religion needs to play in its assigned role of pointing to the Divine – not usurping it.