One evening I found myself embroiled in negative thinking. My thoughts were berating me for some personal lack, and as I felt more and more depressed, I was aware that these intruders were very disruptive. They were condemning, critical, judgmental, and downright rude. As I turned to view them, I entered into mental dialogue. “Who are you? You certainly do not wish me well, and are obviously not a ‘friend’ why am I even entertaining you at all??? The critical thoughts became very quiet, and I determined that I did not want THAT voice to be allowed in my space.
In looking at how negative thoughts even come to mind, I recognized how many times I’ve allowed them to intrude themselves into my thinking patterns without even questioning them, especially when I have been tired or vulnerable. Yet, if this were a person...someone who “dropped over” and began citing my flaws, critiquing my abilities, and pointing to my failures, would I welcome them, invite them to stay, or offer them a meal? I don’t think so! Yet, in my own mind, it’s open season! I often allow unwelcome guests to present their litany of charges against me, and think nothing of it.
In visualizing this scenario, I looked at how many types of unwelcome guests crowd into my thinking periodically, and how it’s time to shut the door on them. Just as I’ve needed to learn discernment about who and what I spend time with in the external world, I need to do the same with my inner world. The quality of my thoughts reflects in my actions, my attitude, and my sense of well-being. If I want the best from life, I have to be more pro-active about the quality of my internal guests, for as I am, there will be more harmony in my mental “home.”
As I do Fall cleaning, getting ready for winter, it’s time to reorganize my guest list. I think I’ll invite compassion, humor, encouragement, appreciation, affection, playfulness, and wisdom to visit. There may be more, but it’s a good start.
If you have any uninvited guests in your “home,” I encourage you to join me in taking a look at the unwelcome guests who intrude in your thoughts and to make out a new guest list as well. It will be interesting to see just what kind of possibilities present themselves when we change the quality of the thoughts we entertain.