It is very apparent to me that we are now approaching the next stage of our process as humans. This time period has been and is intense, allowing us to look at our various issues that need resolution. However, coinciding is an participate in larger and more meaningful ways.
For those of us who have been preparing for work within a larger arena, the call is coming forth. It is time to engage in connections that will enhance the collective whole. It is time to overcome the self-consciousnes and doubt that keep us from our unique portion in this great unfolding Vision. We are being moved into what we were designed to become, and this is a most significant moment. We must seize it, explore it, gather together.
Something is brewing. There are connections being made that have lifelong consequences. There are connections forged that will help to shape and re-shape consciousness as we know it. The links are large and small, the connections wide and deep. The implications being presented are mind boggling only if taken out of context, because we are being re-worked and re-shaped. Energetically, there is major movement throughout the planet and within the galaxy. This spaceship Earth is being attuned to a higher frequency, and as each of us are part of our Mother planet, we are also being attended.
So all who pass this way, we are being awakened to hear the tone; the song of Silence. We are opened to this great turning...a possibility so many of us have longed for.
We are to look into our hearts and ask for the gathering spaces. We are to ask for the others with whom we are to form alliances. Open to receive, we must be ready to move at a moment's notice, literally or figuratively.
Time is changing. We are changing. We are in a process of metamorphosis. And as a very eloquent friend stated to me not long ago, “We must prepare to engage.” KJ
From Seasons of the Soul print edition, Autumn 2000