I had an amazing insight as I meditated and prayed for peace on earth the other day. I saw earth as a beautiful place, shining like no other in this space we call the galaxy. We were all rushing to go "home" to a space beyond earth, moving out of the housing and "limitations" of our bodies. In this rush, we never recognized the incredible gifts that they are to us. Always wanting to be unbound by them, we were not remembering...not remembering.
And then I saw the earth that we defile, the bodies we defile, the corruption of what was given in Love - was given for expression of joy and co-creativity. WE are the corrupters - not the earth - not our bodies. Our attitudes that bind us to separation, to duality, to seeing things in the black/white, better/worse, good/evil mentality - how foolish we are. How dangerously foolish we are.
And here, this precious earth, this precious earth. We are created from the substance of earth. This is the housing that holds these spirits that we are, enables us to walk amidst one another. We come as such a grand experiment, and walk in this time and place right now to see that these bodies, this earth, are in truth only made of light.
We have fostered doctrines of separation through our fear of entrapment. We have lost sight of the natural splendor that we yearn for when we go into the areas of the world that we have not as yet contaminated. Who amongst us is not moved by a breathtaking sunset, or a majestic vista of natural scenery? The hand that created this sent us. And oh, my sisters and brothers, what have we done with this magnificent gift, this incredible opportunity? What have we created? What have we enhanced?
I look at my arms and my hands. I look at my feet. Do I walk lightly upon this mother ship? Do I honor her with gratitude and remembrance of my true nature - not separate from her but as an aspect of her soul? Do I embrace her gifts, her shelter, her nourishment? Do I appreciate her light body, the body I am housed within? Or do I abuse and refuse to recognize the gift that she is...that I am...that we are?
This day at noon, I speak a love poem to my home, my earth, my being. She, you, us, cosmos, All That Is - we are One. And in this moment, I receive the blessing of remembrance. I open to the power of this time for change, for healing, and in this is Transformation.